Love Couponaholic? Check Out Purovitalis for FREE & Help Us Out!

I love when we have offers like this one that allow you to help us out and it doesn’t cost you anything at all (unless you decide to buy something.) For a limited time, Purovitalis is paying us for each person that we get to check out their site. They are trying to raise brand awareness and introduce folks to their line of longevity products. You can learn more about them here, plus your click goes a long way to supporting the site. Thanks in advance for helping us out! We’ll make sure to pay you back by bringing the best online shopping offers we can find over the coming days, weeks and years. Here’s the link to check out Purovitalis:

CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT PUROVITALIS! – If you decide to buy something, free shipping starts at $75 and you can save an extra 5% with promo code HER10

Also, if you haven’t done so already, we have a similar offer you can click to check out Choice Hotels. They are trying to get the word out about their brand and they are paying us for each person that simply clicks this link and checks out what they have to offer. They have over 7,000 hotels in 40+ countries, so there’s usually one not far away from anywhere you might want to travel. So please give them a look; you’ll be helping us out a ton in the process. Here’s the link:

Choice Hotels – Check ’em out and help us out too!