Publix Couponing Deals – Maureen Paid $0.39 for $249 of Stuff (99.8% Saved)

Here’s another great shopping trips in our Extreme Couponing “Haul” of Fame. This one is a shopping trip by one of our former team members, Maureen. I used to love checking out her Publix couponing trips, because she always seemed to focus on the things she needed that were at a stock up price. She always managed to play the game well and she rarely paid more than a few bucks to take home a nice variety of products, including lots of real food. As I mentioned before, we lost a lot of our old shopping trips posts one of the times we moved the web site to a new server, but this gem of a Publix shopping trip from Maureen managed to survive the chaos. In fact, you can view her original write-up of the trip that includes a full breakdown of every deal here.

In this particular shopping trip, Maureen paid a net price of just $0.39 (not including sales tax) for everything in the picture. The trip included logs of great items, including fruit juice, paper pates, diapers, toilet paper, hair color, guacamole and naan bread. How did she do it? Maureen was an expert at finding all of the great Publix coupons available and she knew the cashback apps like SavingStar and Ibotta inside and out. If you check out her write up all the individual deals (linked above), you’ll be amazed at her Publix couponing prowess. She paid $0.50 for the Quilted Northern, $0.40 per package of Dixie plates, $0.13 per coconut milk yogurt and $1.99 per pack of diapers. She took advantage of a promotion to save an extra $10 on a gas card too, plus there were lots of other freebies and moneymakers in her trip, including yummy Arla Cream Cheese.

Want to see more shopping trips (including more Publix couponing?) Check out our Extreme Couponing “Haul” of Fame here or continue on to the next shopping trip in our list of hot ones.